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10 Dog Breeds with Overbites

10 Dog Breeds with Overbites

Like all creatures, canines come with their fair share of physical impairments.

Some dogs are born with more claws than their counterparts.

Others have disabilities in certain body parts such as the tail, feet, and ears.

There are those with misaligned jaws as well, a condition known as an overbite.

If you know a thing or two about overbites, you’ll confirm that it interferes with more than the beauty of the dog.

What Is An Overbite?

In simple terms, an overbite is a hereditary genetic condition that causes teeth misalignment.

It is also called mandibular brachygnathism, class 2 malocclusion, over-jet, or an overshot jaw.

The condition occurs when the canine’s lower jaw is shorter than the upper jaw.

This causes a displacement of teeth on the upper jaw in a way that they sit in front of those on the lower jaw.

Since the teeth overlap, the dog has trouble chewing food. In addition, the lower jaw teeth may hit the roof repeatedly and cause injuries in the process.

Dogs with overbites also have a higher risk of developing plaque and tartar.

If the upper and lower teeth are too close together, it can lead to a dental flock which causes the lower teeth to become trapped by the upper ones.

10 Dog Breeds with Overbites

An overbite is not breed-specific but there are breeds that have a predisposition to it. These include the following:

1. Collie

The most popular breed to suffer an overbite is the collie. This is because he has a long and narrow nose.

Most breeds with this facial appearance actually have a higher risk of having overbites.

If you notice something amiss with your Collie puppy, rush to the vet while you have a chance to save him.

2. German Shepherd

With a small mouth and a long muzzle, the GSD is also on the list of dog breeds with overbites.

Despite being a hard worker, a malocclusion can affect the work ethic of a GSD.

The misalignment may cause injuries or impair his ability to lock a bite.

Because he uses his jaws to carry out most of his tasks, this can present a real problem.

3. Sheltie

If you are looking to buy or adopt a Sheltie, always keep in mind that he is susceptible to overbites. This is because he is created with a long, slender muzzle like all the breeds on this list.

Some of the issues may be purely cosmetic while others will require medical intervention.

4. Dachshund

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One word is enough to describe a Dachshund – burrower.

No doubt, this breed can dig and burrow like his life depends on it. He will burrow under covers, dig holes in the yard, create trenches in the fence, you name it.

Since he is cute, he can easily get away with it.

While digging may not be a huge problem at home, an overbite is.  Regrettably, this breed has a high risk for the condition.

5. Basset Hounds

Is your basset hound showing symptoms of an overbite? Perhaps he has the condition already, thanks to his long and narrow nose.

As a matter of fact, this breed tends to suffer from dental issues of all kinds.

It starts with the build-up of tartar before a full-on infection takes over the entire mouth.

If you are a Basset hound parent, it is in your best interest to examine your dog’s dental health on a regular basis.

6. Whippet

Nothing makes a whippet happier than taking off at full speeds or just curling next to you in bed.

He can chase any moving thing out of instinct and his desire to flex his muscles.

Taking care of him is easy, thanks to his short coat.

As long as you provide a warm surface to relax and sleep in, your Fido will be happy.

However, when owning one, always be cognizant of the fact that he can suffer an overbite. He is one of the dog breeds with a predisposition.

7. Afghan Hound

The Afghan hound is rather rare among the hound family dogs. He is very sweet, sensitive, gentle, and quiet.

His temper is even and his disposition gentle. His agile, muscular, and strong body makes him a great hunter.

If you are looking for a good hunter and companion, look no further than the Afghan.

Sadly, he tends to suffer from dental abnormalities especially overbites. His long muzzle plays a huge part in this.

Fortunately, the issue can be done away with medically.

8. Greyhound

Greyhounds are low-maintenance and docile but they have challenges of their own.

With their signature Roman nose, this breed is at high risk for an overbite.

Thankfully, he is not bred for looks but rather for speed. That means there’s no breed standard with regards to the physical aspect of the Greyhound.

This is why you will find differently-colored dogs on the race.

9. Borzoi

Just by looking at the Borzoi, you can easily tell that he is prone to an overbite.

He looks like the typical greyhound wrapped in a long, silky coat.

We are talking about slender legs, a narrow body, tucked abdomen, and a long narrow muzzle.

Because of the shape of the nose, his jaws can easily overlap.

As a racing dog, the overbite may not disqualify from participating in dog races.

However, it can cause the dog to be a picky eater or worse, lead to mouth injuries.

10. Saluki

Skinny and fast as the wind, the Saluki is a real supermodel.

He is one of the oldest breeds considered to be Allah’s gift to humanity.

This breed is affectionate, easy to groom, and very active.

As long as you have a big yard he can run around in, he will be a very happy and content dog.

His shape looks like that of a whippet or Greyhound with a long and narrow muzzle. That means one thing: he is predisposed to overbites.

Should I Buy A Puppy With An Overbite?

Certainly. An overbite is a medical condition with treatment options. If caught early, the problem can be dealt with.

As a matter of fact, some cases self-correct as the puppy grows.

Typically, you will see symptoms of alignment anytime from 8 to 12 weeks of age.

Although some will go away on their own, it is always a good idea to visit the pet.

After 10 months, the overbite is permanent and medical help becomes a challenge.

Speaking of medical help, the vet can recommend tooth extraction or use a number of orthodontic accessories to take care of the misalignment.

Either way, don’t be afraid to buy a puppy with an overbite.

Final Thoughts

Overbites in dogs can be troubling. They compromise the look of the dog but most importantly affect his dental health negatively.

To make sure your dog lives a rich life, be sure to have the vet examine an overbite as early as possible.

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