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Fact Checking Policy

The website Healthy Homemade Dog Treats deals with a vast array of subjects. The site focus on subjects like Dog food, diet, training, health, welfare, and other such dog-related areas. 

Here at Healthy Homemade Dog Treats, utmost importance is given to the facts and information that is being shared through our website. The people who work behind the contents that are published on the website, including articles, photos, and URLs are given strict instructions to make sure that they are perfectly clear and precise. It is the responsibility of the writers who work for Healthy Homemade Dog Treats to make sure that the facts that are mentioned in the articles are genuine and credible. This includes the names, locations, and other factual statements that are mentioned in the article. The Ethical Policy of the website should also be taken into consideration by the writers while preparing an article. 

Sometimes, under special circumstances, the website will also seek the assistance of fact-checkers (vets) who will assist the team, both online and also along with the editorial team of the website. The website also believes in the concept of transparency, which means that dealing with different aspects such as funding or the source of certain information will be kept open and transparent.

The website is also open to criticism and corrections pointed out by the audience. If there are any factual errors in articles published through the website, the mistake will obviously be checked and rectified as soon as possible. The website is also open to healthy criticism which will help us to improve the quality and standard of the content that is published through the website. 

Upon receiving any claims regarding fact-checking, the website will first contact the source of the claim, who can provide further information about the credibility and accuracy of the shared data. If the elaboration provided by the source seems not satisfactory, the website will contact a third party who is an expert in the mentioned topic, who can provide better insights into the topic and thereby help to conclude whether the information is credible or not. 

The information provided on the website will not be based on the particular view of any groups, which might be biased. The information passed on through Healthy Homemade Dog Treats will be made sure to be unbiased. Also, on Healthy Homemade Dog Treats, there will be a clear distinction between contents that are comprised of facts and contents that are written as opinions of the respective writer. We make sure that opinion content is posted on the site in a way that will be easily recognizable as opinions and that they do not get passed on as informative content. 

It is not mandatory that the writers should be the sole creators of content. At lifestyle, we allow other members of the editorial team who have more knowledge in a particular topic to make the necessary additions that are needed in an article that comes under their area of expertise. Such an edited work will be presented as a joint product of the people who have worked together on it. Just like any other work, the article too will pass through our editors.

If at all any article, during the time of examination by the editors, seems to be of a lower standard than the ones that are published on our site, it will be subjected to further examination where the article will undergo the needed additions or cut-offs which will elevate the article to the required standard. 

Finally, we abide by the understanding that our audience is of utmost significance and we also understand that it is our sole duty not to misinform any of our audience and provide them with inaccurate information. It will be made sure that there will be no false, unclear, or made-up information in any of the content that is published on our website. 


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