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My Dog Poops At 3 Am: How Do I Adjust Her Poop Schedule?

In the past, taking your dog for a walk was all the bathroom breaks they needed. But of late, something seems to have changed and it is not your walk time. You still walk him diligently at the appointed time and she often goes to the bathroom at the right time. But now and then, …

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Sticking Finger In Dogs Bum To Break Up Fight: A Hack Or Hoax?

You were walking your dog when suddenly another dog charges and takes her down. At first, you may think that the pups are engaging in rough play. However, within no time, the play graduates to a real fight. Without human intervention, your doggie or the one she’s fighting may lose their life or get badly …

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Why Does My Dog Separate One Puppy From The Rest?

The joy of witnessing newly delivered pups is inexplicable. You no longer are burdened with the dangers of pregnancy and can now start enjoying the mischievous pups. But there is a caveat—the mother dog still needs to raise them first. For the most part, the motherly instincts will kick in and the dog will do …

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