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Pros and Cons of Owning a Blue Fawn Pit Bull

Pros and Cons of Owning a Blue Fawn Pit Bull

While Pit Bulls are some of the most awesome, loyal, and fun dogs to own, they are also probably the most feared dogs around the globe. They are associated with attacking people (including their owners), dog fighting, and serving as guard/protection dogs for drug dealers. In particular, their bites are often considered to be more dangerous than other dogs’. In fact, many cities have passed legislation that outlaws owning Pit Bulls.

However, people who have owned Pit Bulls understand that these dogs are not predisposed to aggression and all that negative press about them is based on myths and misinformation.

Aggressive behaviors often come from a dog’s environment. If you treat a Pit Bull well, you will end up with one of the most loyal dogs that you can ever find. Some studies have even shown that Pit Bulls have lower temperaments than many other popular breeds, including Chihuahuas and beagles.

There are many types of Pit Bulls out there but the two specific breeds that stand out from the crowd are the Blue Nose Pit Bull and the Blue Fawn Pit Bull. Many dog parents love these two types of Pit Bull because of their amazing physical characteristics and temperament. In this post, we will focus on just one: Blue Fawn Pit Bull.

What should you expect when you decide to adopt this Pit Bull? Is a Blue Fawn Pit Bull for you? Is Blue Fawn Pit Bull recommended for first-time dog owners? To help you learn more about these dogs and hopefully answer the above questions, we’ll highlight some of the top pros and cons of owning a Blue Fawn Pit Bull.

Pro Tip: Although many people consider Pit Bull a breed, it is not. ‘Pit Bull’ is a general name that is usually used to refer to dogs that share certain traits. The American Pit Bull Terrier is one of the few breeds that are accepted by organizations like the United Kennel Club (UKC) as a breed of their own. When people mention “Pit Bulls”, they could be referring to breeds like the American Staffordshire terrier, American bulldog, English bull terrier, Staffordshire bull terrier, or American pit bull terrier.

Pros of Owning a Blue Fawn Pit Bull

1. They Are Cute And Appealing

One of the most common reasons why many people go for Blue Fawn PitBull and Blue Nose Pit Bull is their stunning beauty. In particular, the Blue Fawn Pit Bull features an attractive silver-blue coat and a unique red nose. A Blue Nose Pit Bull also has a silvery coat but with a distinctive blue nose. Their ears, tails, supraorbital arches, and sometimes their paws are often blue or grey.

The beautiful silver-blue coat of Blue Fawn Pit Bull is produced by a recessive dilution gene. A dog’s color tends to fade when he inherits two copies of the dilution gene. A Blue Fawn Pit Bull, for instance, is produced when a dog inherits genes of a brown coated dog that has also inherited two copies of a recessive dilution gene. And as you can guess, a Blue Pit Bull is produced when a dog inherits the genes of a black-coated parent that has inherited two copies of the dilution gene.

Blue Fawn PitBulls are notably muscular and stocky with broad, flat skulls and fairly deep muzzles. They have small tails that are considerably wide and taper to a point. Learn more about your dog’s anatomy here: 20 Basic Dog Anatomy Facts for Beginners

Male Blue Fawn Pit Bulls may weight 55-70 pounds and grow up to 18 to 19 inches tall (at the shoulder). Like many other dogs, females are somewhat smaller, weighing between 40 and 55 pounds and can reach up to 17-18 inches.  

2. They Make Loyal Companions

Blue Fawn Pits are loyal. So, when you bring one into your home, you can always rest easy knowing that you have a great canine companion. Well trained Blue Fawn Pits are always gentle and affectionate with family members, including children. Although Pit Bulls have a reputation of being combative dogs, when you socialize your Blue Fawn Pit Bull early enough and expose him to obedience training, he is likely to make an excellent family dog. They can also be trained as service and therapy dogs and have been proven to perform well in a wide range of agility sports.

3. They Are Social

While these powerful dogs can be aggressive towards other dogs and animals, most of them—except one or two specific dogs—can be very gentle with people. They not only love visiting new places but also meeting new people. It is, therefore, recommended to ensure that you take your Blue Fawn Pit Bull for walks from an early age. Like any other dog breed, helping your Blue Fawn Pit Bull socialize is vital and is one important aspect of being a responsible Pit Bull owner. If they are well-trained and responsibly raised, these dogs make great family dogs. Even Blue Fawn Pit Bulls with a history of abuse can still be trained to become a social and loving companion.

4. Energetic, Intelligent, and Confident

Blue Fawn Pit Bulls are intelligent and always alert. They are fearless, confident, and good-natured. Generally, Pit Bulls were bred to combine the tenacity and courage of Terriers and the strength of Bulldogs. Here is a quick overview of the origin of Pit Bulls:

Ancestors of American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) were brought to the US in the mid-1800s by Irish-Boston immigrants. Originally bred from Bulldogs and Terriers, they were molded to be fighting dogs. Over the years, however, the Americans made some variety of Pit Bulls a bit heavier and couched them to have more powerful heads. After baiting was banned in England in 1835, breeders ceased breeding or training Bull Terriers for bouts. So, it is in the US, where Pit Bulls gained more popularity and got introduced to a wide range of roles, including herding livestock, guarding families against thieves and wild animals, hunting, and hog catching. Their loyal demeanor with humans earned them an important place as both working and companion dogs. As the popularity of media grew, many Pit Bulls were brought to attention, thanks to the numerous exemplary deeds they performed.

So, what changed? When did the negative publicity about these dogs come from? Well, this video can give you an idea:

5. They Make Great Guard Dogs

Blue Fawn Pits are stocky, muscular, brave dogs and make great watchdogs. If you keep a Blue Fawn Pit Bull, any intruder will definitely think twice before breaking into your home.

6. They Are Easy To Train

As aforementioned, Blue Fawn PitBulls are intelligent dogs, so their responses to new commands are fair and firm. Like any other dog, however, effective training for these Pit Bulls should be accompanied by a lot of praise and socialization. Consider rewarding your Fawn Blue Pit Bull with his favorite treat when he responds well to a command.

7. Require Minimal Grooming

Because Blue Fawn Pit Bulls have short and smooth coats, they don’t need to be groomed often. Bathing and brushing them once or twice a week is just enough to keep their coats clean, healthy, and beautiful. They don’t shed much as well, making them great indoor pets. Like other dogs, just remember to trim their nails and clean out their ear wax from time to time to prevent ear infections.

8. Can Be Your Companion For Long

Blue Fawn Pit Bulls have fairly long life spans—they live for between 12 and 16 years. So, expect your Pit Bull to have a longer lifespan, particularly if you take good care of him. And considering that they are loyal, social, and family-friendly, if you choose to welcome a Blue Fawn Pit Bull to your home, you’ll have a companion for life.

Cons of Owning a Blue Fawn Pit Bull

1. Can be Aggressive

 Like other types of Pit Bulls, Blue Fawn Pits can be aggressive, so you should be ready to closely monitor them. They also need thorough obedience training and should be socialized as early as possible.

If owning a Blue Fawn PitBull for the first time, you should keep in mind that these dogs shouldn’t be left alone with other dogs, small animals, or children. These dogs are very strong and muscular, so even a slight, accidental ‘head butt’ is enough to damage your kid’s face.

Besides, a child should not walk these dogs. Blue Fawn Pits have immense strengths and children cannot just hold them if they start running after a cat, another dog, or a stranger.

2.  Require a Lot of Exercise

Blue Fawn Pits are working dogs that are not only intelligent and alert but also have quite a lot of energy and endurance. So, to keep them engaged and healthy, they need regular walks and runs. Your Blue Fawn Pit Bull will also appreciate consistent training and being allowed to participate in a wide range of challenging canine sports like agility, weight-pulling, and coursing.  

3. They are prone to hip dysplasia, Demodex, and Parvovirus

Blue Fawn Pits are prone to a few health issues, including:

  • Hip Dysplasia: Occurs when a dog’s hip joints grow abnormally, limiting the smooth sliding of the bones and sockets. It can be painful and even cause arthritis and other joint issues
  • Demodex: This is a type of immunodeficiency condition that results in hair loss and scabs.
  • Parvovirus: A contagious virus that causes GI illness in puppies

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  • Ear infections: Blue Fawn Pitbulls are also prone to ear infections, so you should be prepared to clear their ears frequently.

4. Overweight Issues

Some Blue Fawn Pits are prone to becoming obese, so you should be prepared to pay close attention to their calorie intake, the amount of treats you give them, and the type of food you feed them in general. The rule of the thumb is that any treats shouldn’t form more than 10% of your dog’s diet. You should also know foods that are healthy and unhealthy for your pooch. We have several posts on this blog about commonly asked questions about dog foods. You can check them here. If you are not sure about the amount of treats to give your Blue Fawn Pit or whether he can eat a certain type of food that we haven’t covered, feel free to consult your vet for more professional insights.

5. Tends to Overheat Easily

Blue Fawn Pits have short-haired coats, making them more susceptible to overheating or hypothermia. So, the moment you become a Blue Fawn Pit owner, ensure that you invest in accessories that can help your four-legged friend stay cool and warm. Ensure that he can access water to drink and invest in things like blankets and winter jackets to keep him warm. Check these posts for the best options of the mentioned accessories:

6. Get Ready For Breed Discrimination and Legal Liabilities

Since Pit Bulls are banned in some cities in the US, be prepared to face a lot of discrimination everywhere you go with your dog. For instance, because of the negative publicity surrounding these dogs’ aggressive behaviors, people around you may not believe that your dog is trained and well-behaved. The management of certain apartments may also not allow you to rent a house if you have a Pit Bull weighing more than 30 pounds.

Even worse, most insurance companies in the US may increase your homeowners’ insurance rates when they learn that you’ve adopted a Blue Fawn Pit. This is because these dogs are considered to be a high risk. Some insurance companies will even make you sign documents clarifying that they will not cover damages caused by your dog.  

7. You May Need To Invest in More Secure Fence

Blue Fawn Pits can escape almost any enclosure. So, securing your fences should be a priority if you decide to welcome a Blue Fawn Pit to your home. These dogs can even climb a fence, which means that it may be a bit more challenging to secure your home so that your dog doesn’t escape.  

Final Verdict: Is Blue Fawn Pit Bull For You?

As you can see, other than their aggressive nature, there are numerous benefits of owning a Blue Fawn Pitbull. However, if you are going to own them for the first time, you should be ready to dedicate a lot of time for training, exercise, and supervision. So, if you aren’t ready for all these, don’t buy a Blue Fawn Pit. However, if you can allocate a lot of time to your dog and follow some of the tips that we’ve highlighted on this post, go ahead and buy or adopt a Blue Fawn Pit.

Expert Tip

It is more recommended to adopt an adult Blue Fawn Pit than a puppy. While puppies are beautiful to look at, they tend to be very temperamental. So, they may be difficult to control when teething periods sets in and may be a bit dangerous if you have small children at home.

That being said, adopting an adult Blue Fawn Pit also comes with a few downsides. For instance, it can be somehow risky if the breeder fails to disclose some details about their dogs or exaggerate some for you to buy. Only settle for an adult Blue Fawn Pit from a reputable breeder and after doing meticulous research on the dog you want to adopt.  

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