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How to Get Rid Of Worms in a Dog without Going to the Vet (12 Strategies)

How to Get Rid Of Worms in a Dog without Going to the Vet (12 Strategies)

Due to their active and inquisitive nature, dogs get worm infestations all the time.

They eat feces, roll in contaminated mud, and play in flea-infested grass. These introduce the nasty microbes to their systems. Some acquire worms from their mothers during birth.

If your dog is showing symptoms, it’s time to take action.

Worms can cause a wide range of health issues in your dog.

Roundworms and tapeworms feed on his food in turn causing diarrhea and nutritional deficiencies.

Hookworms and whipworms literally suck blood in your doggie’s small intestine leading to weakness and infections.

Others such as heartworms live in the heart impairing its function.

 The bottom line is that worms are not allowed in your dog’s body.

 So, what can you do to get rid of them?

 Well, the quickest and most recommended solution is to take the dog to your local vet immediately.

Yes, whenever your beloved pup gets sick, the first thing that should come to your mind is to check with your local vet.

You should never take chances because even something that appears to be mild could be a sign of a serious condition.

However, if you are financially constrained, just want to try natural remedies, or if your vet gives you the green light, treating your dog at home sometimes make sense.

Here are some possibilities for getting rid of worms in a dog without going to the vet:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar to Remove Tartar from Dogs Teeth

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has a million uses around the home. You can use it to clean, cook, preserve food, lower your blood pressure, deodorize your home, make salad dressing, the list is long.

Turns out ACV is great at getting rid of worms as well.

 It is acidic and when introduced to the dog’s body, it will create an alkaline environment that is not hospitable to microorganisms.

Additionally, it is an effective flea repellent. If fleas are bringing worms to your dog, the acid will deal with that problem as well.

Plus, it has other benefits for his coat and skin as well. Talk about killing many birds with one stone!

To use apple cider vinegar, sprinkle some on your dog’s food or water.

Use organic, raw, and unfiltered vinegar – about 0.25-1 tablespoon per day until the symptoms are gone.

Related Post: How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Remove Tartar from Dog’s Teeth

2. Carrots

Carrots pack a punch when it comes to nutrition. They are rich in Vitamin A which boosts the immune system, supports eye health, and improves the health of your dog’s skin and coat.

This superfood also contains Vitamins B, C, D, E, and K, calcium, beta-carotene, lycopene, niacin, magnesium, and phosphorous. Each of these helps the body in one way or another.

It’s beta-carotene that gives carrots their rich orange color and gets rid of worms on your dog’s tummy.

Chopped carrots travel through the gut scraping off the mucus lining the intestinal wall and with it, parasites.

 Feed carrots as an individual treat or add them to your dog’s meal.

3. Pumpkin Seeds

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Pumpkin seeds are also extremely effective natural deworming agents in humans and dogs alike.

They contain a potent amino acid called cucurbitacin which paralyzes tapeworms and roundworms.

Once paralyzed, the worms lose their grip on the intestinal wall and can be expelled during a bowel movement.

Sprinkle some of the seeds on your doggie’s food. You may also grind the seeds into a fine powder and sprinkle them on Fido’s food.

One teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight twice per day should get you good results.

4. Turmeric

For centuries or even millennia, humans have been utilizing turmeric for its wide range of benefits.

It is a powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal.

The root inhibits the activity of worms to a greater extent. Its inflammatory properties also repair inflammation caused by worms in the dog’s digestive system.

Turmeric can also relieve other symptoms of intestinal worms such as nausea, bloating, excessive gas, and abdominal pain.

Raw turmeric roots are preferred to dried powders.

Extract the juice, mix it with a dash of salt and add it to your dog’s food or water.

Repeat it once a day until the symptoms clear.

If turmeric powder is all you have, mix about a teaspoon with salt and warm water then pour some on your doggie’s food.

5. Fermented Vegetables

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Fermented foods like yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut can also help rid your pup of worms.

This is because they have a high amount of probiotics which not only help your dog’s gut run smoothly but also fight parasites in the gut.

The probiotics block worms from sucking nutrients from the pet meaning they will starve and die.

Probiotics also naturally boost the immunity of a dog against parasites.

Fermented vegetables can be made at home or bought from the store.

Begin by giving your dog about 1-3 teaspoons per body weight daily.

Work your way based on your dog’s reaction to the veggies.

6. Coconut

Coconut is another powerhouse at home. Whether it is cooking, boosting the shine on your hair, making your skin youthful and smooth, or eradicating worms, this amazing food can do it all.

When it comes to adding nutrients to your body, trust coconut to do that and more.

Studies show that coconut has anti-worm properties. It contains medium-chain fatty acids that inhibit and kill parasites in your gut and that of your dog.

The beauty of coconut is that you can utilize the fruit or its oil.

Use the latter to cook your pet’s food. You may also add some of it directly to his food.

If desiccated coconut is all you have on your pantry, sprinkle 1-3 teaspoons on your pet’s food.

7. Wormwood

Wormwood is another popular herb for getting rid of tapeworms, roundworms, threadworms, and pinworms.

It contains several compounds such as isothujone, sesquiterpene lactones, and thujone – known for weakening and killing these parasites.

Make it into a tincture or tea and add some to the dog’s food/water.

When using wormwood for your dog, you want to be very careful. Too much of it can be toxic as it irritates his liver and kidney.

It may be best to speak to your vet before using it. Also, avoid it completely if your doggie has kidney issues, seizures, or liver disease.

8. Kefir

Kefir could easily fall in the category of fermented foods but is worth a mention of its own.

 In case you don’t know what it is, kefir is a drink formulated from fermented milk extracted from cows, goats, or sheep.

It compares to Greek yogurt though it is much thinner and contains different kinds of bacteria from yogurt.

Kefir is great for getting rid of worms in dogs as it has about 30 probiotics. These improve gut health, aid in digestive processes, and get rid of worms.

Add it to your dog’s food or serve it as an individual treat.

 Start slow just to make sure your dog accepts it. One teaspoon per day is a good place to start.

 If your doggie is lactose intolerant, use coconut variety.

9. Papaya Seeds

If you are a Papaya fan, you have probably never thought about the dark bitter seeds hiding in the middle of the juicy fruit.

Well, you’d be happy to know that these squishy clear-coated seeds have also been used to be effective against worms. This is according to this 2012 study.

The findings of the study proved that papaya seeds can treat worm infections.

They have anti-amoebic and anti-helminthic properties meaning they can kill worms and other parasites present in the dog’s body.

If you have ever tasted papaya seeds, you know they are far from being tasty.

They possess a very strong pepper-like taste and can be overwhelming for your pet.

To get your dog to take them, you might want to hide them in one of his tasty foods. He will not notice that he’s chomping on bitter stuff.

10. Pomegranate

Both the pomegranate fruit and the bark of the pomegranate tree possess potent anthelmintic properties.

Humans have used it to treat intestinal worms for many years.

Eating the fruit, its seeds, or the bark can help get rid of parasitic infections in your doggie’s tummy.

If he is comfortable munching pomegranate seeds, that would be great.

Else, you may also extract the juice from the fruit or crush the dried bark of the tree and add the powder to the dog’s food.

11. Black Cumin Seeds

Like pomegranates, black cumin seeds have been utilized to treat worm infestations for centuries, especially in Ancient Egypt and Assyria.

The seeds are effective in killing many parasites affecting humans, horses, dogs, and cats.

They contain over 100 chemical components including melatin and Nigella – known for having many benefits to the intestinal system.

Like all other seeds here, you can add the black cumin seeds directly to your pet’s food.

 If he cannot tolerate it, grind it up and incorporate it into his diet.

Start with one teaspoon per day and increase if your doggie doesn’t react negatively to it.

12. Grated Raw Vegetables And Fruits

Finally, raw fruits and vegetables can also help flush worms from your dog’s gut. These will make his gut inhospitable for the unwelcome hosts.

Not only will they get rid of the parasites but they will add vitamins and nutrients that boost the immunity of the dog.

For the best results, go for things like cucumber, pineapple, green vegetables, fennel, and watercress.

 Chop them up and feed them to the dog.

Closing Thoughts

Wondering how to remove worms from your dog without going to the vet?

You have 12 options to choose from.

Since all these are natural, you can play with different methods to see which one works best for your dog.

 If nothing works, it may be time to go to the vet.

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