A stable in many people’s diets, scrambled eggs make for quick and easy breakfast or dinner. The proteins, vitamins, and minerals in scrambled eggs make them one of the best and healthiest ways of eating eggs.
But can dogs eat scrambled eggs?
Well, the short answer is YES. Scrambled eggs are good for dogs. The only thing you need to keep in mind when you decide to give your dog scrambled eggs is how you prepare them.
The treat should be free from any additive—garlic, oils, avocado, onion, pepper, salt, and other spices. But you can add cheese (I bet your dog loves them).
Put simply, when served simple and plain, scrambled eggs cannot cause any serious harm to your dog.
However, strive to begin with small portions to see how your dog reacts as some dogs tend to be more sensitive to eggs than others.
Benefits of Giving Scrambled Eggs to Your Dog
There are many benefits of giving your dog scrambled eggs, including:
- Plenty of Protein: Eggs are rich in healthy animal proteins and this is what a good dog meal should consist of. Giving your dog scrambled eggs will help build up his body from inside out.
- Potent source of Vitamin biotin: Egg yolk is rich in a wide range of nutrients, including biotin (or vitamin B7), which is known to enhance the development of healthy skin and coat in dogs.
- Rich in Vitamin D: Another important vitamin that your dog stands to gain from scrambled eggs is vitamin D. It is known to combine with the protein in the egg to boost the development of healthy teeth and bones ion dogs.
- Scrambled eggs are also rich in pantothenic acid, which is vital in creating energy at cellular levels.
- Your dog stands to benefits from riboflavin, which is essential for skin and coat health as well as turning fat into energy.
- Eggs also contain pyridoxine which is used in a wide range of metabolic processes in your pooch’s body.
- Scrambled eggs are also rich in vitamin B12, which is essential for the production of red blood cells
Possible Side Effects of Scrambled Eggs
- Weight gain: Giving your dog scrambled eggs can lead to weight gain because eggs are rich in fats.
- Biotin deficiency: Too many eggs can lead to biotin deficiency.
- Gas: Most dogs that are fed on scrambled eggs regularly may have a lot of gas issues.
- Eggs may also cause gastrointestinal upset and allergic reactions in some dogs.
The good news is that all the above side-effects can be controlled by feeding your dog scrambled eggs in moderation.
Pro Tip:
Don’t be tempted to give your dog scrambled eggs meant for humans because they contain butter, oil, and fats that can undermine the health of your pooch. Some spices and flavorings may also poison your dog.
Besides, start with small portions to see if your pooch’s stomach can handle it. Some dogs may be more sensitive to eggs or certain foods, just like humans.
What about Raw Eggs, Boiled Eggs, Or Fried Eggs?

- Raw Eggs: Get a detailed overview here: Can I Add Cracked Raw Egg over Dog Food?
- Boiled Eggs: Dogs can eat boiled eggs without any issue. The only concern is that some nutrients may be lost during the boiling process.
- Fried Eggs: It depends on what you fry the eggs on. If you fry them alongside onions or bacon, they could potentially harm your mutt. In general, most vets don’t recommend giving your dog fried eggs.
What about Eggshells? Are they safe for dogs?
Eggshells are good sources of calcium and eating them can be beneficial to your dog.
The only thing that matters is how you serve them. You can leave them broken or grind them into a fine powder.
It all boils down to how picky your dog is and the condition of his teeth.
If you are worried that the eggshells might scratch your dog’s mouth, you can ground them into a fine powder and mix them with his food. Your dog will still get all the nutrients contained in the eggshells and it will be much easier for him to digest them.
Remember to clean the eggs shells before serving them to your dog, especially if you bought them from a local shop. Commercially sold eggs are often sprayed with chemicals to make them appear shiny.
Should High Cholesterol Levels in Eggs Worry You?
The short answer is NO. The effects of cholesterol on dogs are different from humans. Dogs don’t get the same cholesterol-related problems as humans.
If you give your dog too much egg treats, he will just gain weight due to additional calories before he experiences any problem.
Can Dogs Eat Scrambled Eggs With Milk?

Adding a little milk to scrambled eggs isn’t going to be toxic or harmful to your dog.
However, there are exceptions when it comes to dogs consuming dairy products. For instance, many dogs are lactose intolerant to a certain degree, which simply means that some may have a difficult time digesting dairy products.
In such dogs, milk or dairy products ingestion can lead to GI upset issues, including diarrhea and vomiting.
Due to the high-fat content of some milk products, eggs scrambled with milk may also contain too much fat, leading to vomiting, diarrhea, pancreatitis, and other serious conditions.
Dairy products are also known to trigger food allergies in dogs, which can appear as irritation of the skin, itching, redness, and GI upsets.
Dogs have varying degrees of lactose intolerant though, so some dogs will just eat eggs scrambled with milk without any problem, others may only experience mild GI distress, while others may have severe clinical signs.
To be on the safe side, therefore, just avoid additions like milk when scrambling eggs for your pup.
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Can Dogs Eat Scrambled Eggs With Cheese?
Cheese not only makes terrific treats but also packs tons of amazing health benefits to dogs. Cheese is rich in calcium, phosphorous, selenium, Vitamin A, B12, and essential fatty acids.
So, adding a bit of cheese to scrambled eggs for your dog is okay.
However, not all types of cheese are good for your dog. Blue cheese, for instance, is not recommended for dogs. Learn more here: Can Dogs Eat Blue Cheese?
Some dogs are also sensitive to certain types of cheese just like us humans.
To avoid potential problems, just serve your dog plain and simple scrambled eggs.
But if you have to share that special “scrambled eggs with cheese” recipe with your Fido, start him with small portions to see if his stomach can handle it.
How Often Should You Give Your Dog Scrambled Eggs?
Can I feed my dog scrambled eggs every day?
Well, you can give scrambled eggs to your dog on a daily basis. However, you should always remember that eggs are high in calories, so it is vital to take into account the activity level of your dog.
If you have an active dog that gets plenty of exercise, then there won’t be any harm in giving your dog scrambled eggs on a daily basis.
On the flip side, if your dog doesn’t get a lot of exercise, then consider giving him scrambled eggs in moderation—once or twice a week.
How Many Scrambled Eggs Can I Give My Dog?

How much eggs your dog should take depends on his size and sensitivity. Your vet or a nutritionist is the best person who can help you figure out this.
But as a general guide, always keep the 10 percent treat rule in mind.
In other words, the number of eggs that you give to your dog should make up 10% of his daily calories. This way, he will have balanced meals without extra calories. It will also help egg treats remain a surprise that your pooch looks forward to receiving.
Additionally, begin with a few eggs throughout the week. If your dog doesn’t get stomach upsets or show abnormal signs, then you can increase the number gradually.
Just remember that too many eggs can cause obesity in your doggy, so always consult your vet before making eggs a regular part of your dog’s diet.
Can Puppies Eat Scrambled Eggs?
Yes, scrambled eggs are safe for puppies provided that they are prepared well and free from additives like onions, garlic, salt, pepper, and other spices.
As highlighted above, scrambled eggs will supply your puppy with plenty of proteins, vitamins (A, D, B12, etc), and minerals.
Egg yolk has also been proven to reduce risks of cataracts in dogs.
However, there are a few precautions that you should keep in mind when you decide to feed your puppy scrambled eggs, including:
- Avoiding scrambling eggs for your puppy with a lot fatty oils as it lead to weight gain and a host of other health problems.
- Raw eggs are a no-no for puppies, so don’t be tempted to allow him sample some raw eggs while you are preparing for him scrambled eggs. Raw eggs are common sources of Salmonella, so eating raw eggs put your puppy at risk of bacterial infections.
- Because of the above-highlighted potential side effects, feed your puppies scrambled eggs in moderation—just a bit and once in a while or a few times a week.
- A bigger percentage of your puppy’s diet should consist of premium puppy foods. Specially formulated, premium puppy food will ensure that your puppy gets the necessary nutrients. Scrambled eggs or any other treat shouldn’t take up more than 10 percent of your puppy’s daily diet.
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Should You Feed Scrambled Eggs To A Sick Dog?
Yes, given that eggs are rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals, scrambled egg is an excellent way of giving your sick dog extra nutrients, energy, and boosting his immune system.
Besides, given that sick dogs often suffer from a lack of appetite, scrambled eggs can be an excellent way to kick-start their diet.
If your dog is anemic or suffering from conditions that cause a lot of protein loss (like heart conditions, pancreas, and kidney issues), consider giving him scrambled eggs.
Eggs are also a great way to keep senior dogs healthy and kicking because they are rich in healthy protein and fats.
Do Scrambled Eggs Stop Diarrhea in Dogs?
Bland sources of protein like scrambled eggs (without oil or butter) or boiled chicken (without the skin) can help your pooch’s gut settle while supplying him with nutrients when he suffering from diarrhea.
However, simply feeding your dog scrambled eggs won’t stop diarrhea. Contact your vet to diagnose the issue and advise you on the next course of action.
Learn more here: Is Scrambled Eggs Good For Dogs with Diarrhea?
Other types of food that are great for dogs who are suffering from diarrhea include canned pumpkin, white rice, boiled potatoes, herbs such as fennel, yogurt, probiotics, and cottage cheese.
Which Dog Breeds Can Eat Scrambled Eggs?
There isn’t any particular breed that is known to be more sensitive to scrambled eggs. If you are worried about your dog’s reaction to scrambled eggs, the best thing to do is to check their health records.
Feed eggs sparingly to smaller dog breeds that are prone to weight gains.
Consider starting with small amounts of scrambled eggs before increasing the quantity over time for breeds that are known to have digestive upset issues like the German shepherds, French dogs, Great Danes, Collies, and Golden Retrievers.
Most importantly, consult your vet if your notice any odd responses.
How to Make Scrambled Eggs for Dogs

Making scrambled eggs for dogs is easy and straightforward. Here is a simple recipe you can follow:
- Crack the eggs into a bowl.
- Beat or mix vigorously until the egg whites and the yolks are perfectly blended together.
- Put the mixture into a hot skillet with a few drops of water to prevent sticking on the pan.
- With a spoon or spatula, move the eggs around for about 6-8 minutes or until they achieve a scrambled look.
- You can now serve your dog.
As we’ve mentioned severally in the above sections, plain scrambled egg is the best for your pup. So, avoid adding seasonings.
If you are looking for a substantial meal for your fur baby, consider adding meat, turkey, fish, or a little bit of cheese.
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Final Thoughts
So, how healthy is it for dogs to eat scrambled eggs?
Although eggs for dogs—whether scrambled, boiled, or raw—are still somehow controversial, it shouldn’t harm your dog if you feed him in moderation.
Never be afraid of giving them to your furry buddy. Start small to see what your pooch’s stomach can handle.
If you suspect any allergic reactions, contact your local vet immediately.
Disclaimer: Don’t use this article as a substitute for veterinary advice. If you have any question or doubt about scrambled eggs for dogs, talk to your vet.
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