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15 Small Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed or Bark (with Pictures)

15 Small Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed or Bark (with Pictures)

It is natural for a dog to bark and shed his fur.

However, if your fur baby can’t seem to shut up no matter the hour of the day, this is a real problem.

This is especially true if you have a baby or a demanding job that demands a good rest.

Plus, most of your neighbors won’t be particularly thrilled to be woken up every day by your yapping dog.

Apart from the incessant barking, coming home after a long hard day at work to find dog hair all over the house is no fun either.

Lucky for you, there are plenty of dog breeds that are quiet and don’t shed.

Without further ado, here’s a list of 15 small dog breeds that don’t shed or bark.


It is not possible to find an utterly silent dog—even if your pup doesn’t bark, there are higher chances that he will occasionally whine or make other kinds of noise to communicate his needs.

Similarly, it is difficult to find completely non-shedding dogs—every dog will lose hair occasionally.

But the breeds we’ve listed herein (as small dogs that don’t shed) experience rare hair loss, nothing excessive.

1. French Bulldog

From stunning looks to minimal grooming requirements, there are plenty of reasons to love a Frenchie.

With a short solid stature, wide eyes, and bat-like ears, this breed packs a punch in the looks department.

It is a friendly and charming dog that is also calm and quiet compared to other small breeds.

Save for the usual snoring, snorting, talking, and grunting sounds, a Frenchie rarely barks except when he’s scared or sees new faces.

Pet owners also love the fact that this breed has a short coat that requires very little grooming to keep healthy.

A quick brush will not only get rid of the loose hair but will maintain its shine as well.

2. Chinese Crested

If you prefer small dog breeds that don’t shed or bark much, here’s another breed worth your consideration.

The Chinese Crested is a lap dog that looks like a pony. It is a lively and charming toy dog with minimal barking.

Typically, the breed consists of two versions: the hairless and powder puff.

As the name sounds, the latter is hairless with some fur on his feet, tail, and head. The latter has a rather thick silky coat of hair all through.

Both versions are considered low-shedders needing very little in the way of grooming.

Of course, you’ll need to brush your dog from time to time otherwise you’ll notice some fur on your sofa and fabrics.

3. Italian Greyhound

The Italian Greyhound was bred to hunt small game back in the day. Today, it is an ideal family pet that exudes beauty, agility, obedience, and loyalty.

The best part about owning one is that he sheds very little and has a gentle personality.

He loves his owners but can be shy or reserved in the company of strangers.

Although he doesn’t bark that much, he is a typical watchdog that will alert you if something is amiss.

4. Boston Terrier

All terrier dogs are energetic and friendly. The Boston Terrier is no exception.

This little ball of fur is an excellent companion. With a single-layer coat, this breed is no heavy shedder.

Compared to dogs with multi-layer coats, Boston Terriers shed considerably less throughout the year. Because of this, their coats are easily groomed.

As for barking, these breeds would rather lounge around or take a nap than waste time making noise.

However, make no mistake; they are great watchdogs and won’t hesitate to bark just to let you know danger is ahead.

5. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Want a nice lap dog that is low-maintenance and quiet? A Cavalier King Charles certainly fits the description.

This little adorable toy is a true bundle of joy. His favorite activity is playing and taking long snoozes—not yapping. Unless there’s something worth barking for, he’d rather kick back and relax.

A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel sheds quite a lot. However, with only 11-18 pounds of body weight, the hair is not a real concern for the most part.

If you commit to brushing his coat a few times a week, you’ll barely notice any loose hair in your house.

6. Basenji

Here’s another tight-lipped small dog breed with minimal shedding.

Considered the “barkless dog from Africa”, the Basenji uses other sounds to communicate. Rather than bark, he would growl, scream, and yodel.

As long as you offer him plenty of exercises and enough food, this dog has no problem keeping mum.

His coat is rather short and less dense, which ultimately means he sheds less.

This is good news for people with allergies and those that don’t have the time to vacuum their houses regularly.

7. Bolognese

An excellent companion dog, the Bolognese is a playful, happy, and affectionate little breed.

Because of its rather thick fluffy coat, many people tend to associate this dog with heavy shedding.

However, the Bolognese is actually a non-shedding dog. Of course, with that huge ball of hair, you have no choice but to brush his coat frequently to keep it neat and tidy.

Not only is he cute and people-oriented but he is also soft-spoken. He only barks when he’s alerting you of something which is never loud or annoying.

8. Havanese

The Havanese is a good fit for apartment dwellers as it is both tiny and less noisy.

Many people love this dog for its size, low energy requirements, and gentle personality.

Barking is mostly reserved for his responsibilities as a watchdog. Other than that, your dog will enjoy sitting by himself, playing in the sun, or cuddling in your lap.

Even with a double-layered coat, the Havanese doesn’t shed very much. Like many other moderate shedders, this breed often loses its hair during the spring and fall seasons.

9. Cotton de Tulear

The Cotton de Tulear is a great dog for people who can’t tolerate constant barking.

The only time you’ll hear this breed open his mouth is if a stranger approaches your door. The rest of the time, he will remain tight-lipped.

As the name suggests, this dog comes with a cotton-like coat full of fluff. Thankfully, this carries hair rather than fur which is good news because it implies no shedding.

However, the coat needs to be brushed frequently to make it aesthetically pleasing.

10. Glen of Imaal Terrier

Glen of Imaal Terrier dogs were initially developed as hunters.

One of the characters they were taught is how to be quiet during hunting to keep them from scaring the prey.

To date, these lovely dogs have kept up with this awesome trait. They don’t fancy being vocal except when it is absolutely necessary.

Plus, they shed very little as well. As a result, grooming needs are modest.

Often, the weekly brushing of his coat will get rid of any dead hair.

11. English Bulldog

Turns out the bulldog family has another breed that barks less and sheds little.

Because of its sour look, the English Bulldog often comes off as an aggressive, scary dog that is highly opinionated.

The honest truth is that this is one of the most docile dogs you will ever come across.

He may give off a bark or two but for the most part, he will be too busy snoozing away to open his mouth.

The English Bulldog is also an average shedder. Because his hair is short and less dense, it is relatively difficult to see any loose hair lying around, especially if you stay on top of your grooming game.

 12. Japanese Chin

These playful, mischievous, and intelligent dogs of Japanese origin are also some of the best calm small dog breeds that don’t shed.

It takes a lot to have this dog bark. He is a calm and collected breed with cat-like mannerisms. If you prefer quiet dogs, this is a great fit for you.

Considered average shedders, Japanese chins shed hair although not as heavy as other dogs with similar coats.

Expectedly, their coats need to be brushed at least twice a week to remove loose hair.

13. Shar-Pei

Chinese Shar-Pei dogs are quiet creatures too. These incredibly wrinkly, loyal, and strong canines hardly open their mouths except to unleash a few barks as a way of alerting you of some kind of danger.

As for shedding, this breed doesn’t shed most of the year except once or twice. This always takes place after the dog has grown a new heavier coat in preparation for the winter.

Be sure to brush his coat because the hair can add up and create a mess.

Female Shar-Peis have been known to lose plenty of hair both when they are on heat and after giving birth.

14. Shiba Inu

Shiba Inus are famous for their quiet and tidy nature.

Except for the occasional Shiba Screams, these dogs are less likely to go make noise.

Instead, they will resort to other communication techniques to get their point across.

They are also moderate shedders that shed lightly throughout the year and go heavy during the spring and fall seasons.

15. Maltese

Last but not least, the Maltese dogs are also not big on barking.

This, plus their size, makes them great apartment fur buddies.

Another major plus is that they shed very little despite featuring long locks of hair.

If you are allergic to dogs or simply want a canine friend that will give you affection with minimal barking and shedding, this definitely fits the bill.

Benefits of Adopting/Owning Dogs That Don’t Bark Or Shed

Owning small dog breeds that don’t bark or shed can be great for your health, your home, and your pup’s health— in more ways than one:

  • They help you avoid complaints from your neighbors:  As aforementioned, even if your dog’s barking doesn’t bother you, your neighbors won’t be happy if they are woken up by your dog’s yapping every morning. Choosing non barking small dogs keeps everyone happy. If you live in apartments, these are the type of dogs you should own or adopt.
  • If you have sleep problems that keep you wide-eyed on some nights, quiet small dog breeds can go a long way in helping you manage your condition. Most of them don’t bark unless they sense danger.
  • Less prone to separation anxiety: Non barking small dogs may also be lessbothered by external noises, which often exacerbate separation anxiety in some dogs.
  • Cleanliness: Owning quiet dogs that don’t shed will save you time and energy that you may have to spend vacuuming your house every day. These dogs won’t track hair all over your upholstery.
  • Hypoallergenic qualities: Since these dogs shed less or loose less hair, they are less likely to release allergy-causing dander into the environment. These are the best types of dogs for people with pet allergies but still want to spend time with their canine companions.

Which Small Dog Breeds That Don’t Bark Or Shed Should You Choose?

Well, all the dogs that bark the least and don’t shed on our list are beautiful in their own way but it is still important to choose wisely.

Generally, finding the right dog boils down to getting to your personality and preferences.

How is your daily schedule? Which hobbies do you enjoy? Why do you want to own a dog? Is the dog meant for you, kids, or senior members of your family?  Where do you live—apartment or own compound?

All these questions should help you narrow down your search to find the pooch that best matches your personality and lifestyle.

And if you don’t find the right dog from our list, don’t fret. There are over 400 breeds of dogs out there, so there‘s a perfect dog for you out there.

In fact, a dog’s loudness can be managed by training. For instance, you can find a low or non-shedding dog that barks periodically and train him to be quieter—this alone will expand your breed options.

Remember that some dogs yap more when they are lonely. To calm such dogs, keep them engaged with interactive toys and exercise them regularly.

Shedding in dogs can also be managed considering that there are several reasons why some dogs tend to lose more hair than others.  

For instance, a dog with flea infestation or who is stressed tends to shed more. The same is true for a dog with allergies.

If you find a quiet dog with heavy shedding tendencies, it is worthwhile to take him to your vet to help you check his skin and if there are underlying diseases like Cushing’s disease or hypothyroidism which can lead to hair loss.

Daily brushing can also help get rid of dead fur before they mess your upholstery.

Here are more tips to help you choose the right low barking low shedding dogs:

  • Always purchase a dog from a reputable breeder to avoid inbreeding and other health problems
  • Carry background research on the medical and behavioral needs of the breed you plan to own to find the best option for you and your family’s preferences.
  • Meet potential dog and his/her parents before choosing one
  • Talk to people who have owned the breed (online forums and social media groups can help)
  • After getting the right dog, you must dedicate your time and energy to care for him to ensure that he stays as healthy as possible.

Final Thoughts

While there are no barkless dogs (except for the Basenji, of course), some breeds are relatively quieter than others.

We also understand that shedding is a big deal if you want a spotless space without putting in too much work, but there is a solution for that as well—breeds that shed less.

So, don’t let shedding or barking keep you from dog owner bliss.

Choose any breed from our list of the best small dog breeds that don’t shed or bark above and become a dog owner today.

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