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7 Ingredients You shouldn’t Include in Your Dog Treat Recipe

7 Ingredients You shouldn’t Include in Your Dog Treat Recipe

Preparing your dog treats at home instead of buying the ones manufactured by commercial companies is a wise decision. Most of the commercial treats are loaded with sugar, preservatives, colorings, and flavorings that aren’t just natural. Commercially manufactured treats can be quite unhealthy for the digestive system of your dog as well as other bodily systems.

When making DIY healthy dog treats, knowing what food you shouldn’t include is essential for the health of your furry pal. Some ingredients could end up being toxic, so doing your due diligence helps put you at ease in the knowledge that your dog is feeding on healthy food items.

  1. Chocolate

Our animals form part of the family to the extent that they not only share our beds but also get to share our sweet moments. And nothing seems better than sharing a piece of chocolate with our family dog. But be warned, chocolate is highly toxic to dogs and can cause severe reactions such as seizures and even death.

2. Caffeine

Steer clear of toxic ingredients such as Caffeine. Whether in soda or coffee, caffeine can be potentially dangerous for your canine friend.  Exposure to this substance can result in agitation, vomiting, pacing, panting, and increases in the dog’s body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure along with seizures.

3. Ice Cream

 Many dogs, just like some humans, have lactose intolerance. Ice cream contains lots of sugar and even if your dog has no issues with milk, giving him lots of sugar is not recommended. Obesity and type 2 diabetes epidemics being witnessed in America are not restricted to human beings.

4. Nutmeg

Everybody loves giving their pets treats. However, what is great for you might prove to be very dangerous for your pet dog. Nutmeg produces volatile oil which could trigger psychological effects on a canine. When larger amounts are used, it causes symptoms like seizures, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

5. Cooked Liver

Liver is a common ingredient in many DIY healthy dog treats. But too much of anything, even if it is a good thing, can actually end up being bad. Large amounts of cooked liver given to your dog can trigger vitamin A toxicity.

6. Raisins, Grapes & Currants

Any homemade recipe that calls for raisins, grapes, or currants should be avoided. These ingredients have been known to cause kidney failure in some dogs.

7. Fat and Salt

Avoiding fat is important because some dogs could develop pancreatitis. This painful inflammation can be quite uncomfortable and may necessitate pet hospitalization. Salt can be quite dangerous to dogs as large amounts can trigger kidney issues.

8. Baking Mold with BPA

While baking dog treats at home is an excellent way of keeping your pet healthy, it will actually mean nothing if during the process they get harmed. At all costs, avoid baking mold that has Bisphenol A (BPA). This is a contaminant linked to different types of cancer and other health issues.


Homemade dog treats should be cooked to an adequate temperature to effectively kill potential pathogens like Salmonella in eggs or other ingredients.

Additionally, if your dog treats are being made using raw meat, ensure they are well-cooked (about 165 degrees). And ensure that you talk to your veterinarian in case Fido is on a prescription or special diet as he could be more susceptible prone to food allergies than others. 

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